Our technologies allow the cutting of a wide variety of hard and brittle materials. In recent years, we have processed a wide spectrum of different materials:

(Quartz) glasses

Quartz glass, Zerodur®, LAS glass, glass ceramics


Si, Quartz, CaF2, GaN, Saphire, GaAs, SiC

(Non)oxide Ceramics

Al2O3, Silica, ZrO2, PZT, Ferrite, SiSiC, SiN, SiC


SiAl, MoCu, WCu, W, Mo, MgTi

Composite materials


Natural stone

Marble, granite

Verschiedenste Materialien sind schneidbar, Our technologies allow the cutting of a wide variety of hard and brittle materials. In recent years, we have processed a wide spectrum of different materials. Unsere Technologien erlauben das Trennen verschiedenster spröd-harter Materialien. Das Spektrum ist weit gefächert. In den letzten Jahren haben wir eine große Palette verschiedenster Werkstoffe bearbeitet.
Hohlzylinder im Schnitt

We are the specialists,...

… when it comes to new, innovative solutions for cutting hard and brittle materials. We offer comprehensive and well-founded process, product and material know-how. Processes are individually optimized for your material from the first test cut to a series production.


The possible format spectrum of your materials varies from cuboids to cylinders and hollow cylinders, tubes, round rods, ingots, boules, billets, blanks, bars and crystals.

Our wire saws allow us to cut up to 4 x 500 mm material length in one single cut, depending on the cross-section of your material.

Ingots and cuboids
(also bars, blanks)

Cross section < 300 x < 300 mm²
Multiple lengths from 250 mm

Large hollow cylinders
(also tubes, billets)

Inner diameter > 290mm
outer diameter > 400mm
length < 500 mm

Cylinders and hollow cylinders
(also circular blanks, strokes, rods)

Outer diameter < 300 mm
Length < 500 mm

Crystals (also Boules)

Outer diameter < 210 mm
Length < 500 mm

Large formats

Cut area < 750 x < 500 mm²

The possible format spectrum of your materials varies from cuboids to cylinders and hollow cylinders, tubes, round rods, ingots, boules, billets, blanks, bars and crystals.


The products manufactured by PV Crystalox Solar Silicon´s Slicing Service are used in various fields of applications. These products impose high demands on the components and materials used.

We achieve a kerf loss of less than 0.15 mm, using wires with a thickness of 0.10 – 0.12 mm. This enables a very high utilisation of your valuable material . The multi-wire sawing technology allows the production of highly precise discs with thicknesses varying from 0.14 to 30 mm  and with the following product parameters:


Thickness variation*



Roughness Rz

Roughness Ra

Depth damage

0.14 –  30 mm

+/-        20 µm

<          100 µm

<          100 µm

4 – 5  µm

<        0.5 µm

8 – 9 µm

* depending on initial format

Cutting thin slices is our strength!

The excellent surface quality of the cut surfaces often eliminates the need for subsequent surface grinding or lapping. This leads to an additional cost advantage for our customers.

We continuously optimise processes parameters.  Therefore we have a broad portfolio of material tailored parameters ready to apply to customer requirements.