PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH is a small medium-sized company located in the state capital of Thuringia, Erfurt, Germany.

We are specialised in hard and brittle material slicing with our modern multi-wire saws. We have experience with this special sawing technology for more than 20 years.

In the past years we developed the multi-wire saw technology for cutting solar silicon for the photovoltaic industry towards the most efficient way to mass produce silicon wafers with minimum “thicknesses” of 140 µm.

Wiresawing of brittle material such as silicon, glass, crystals, ceramics... with minimal material losses and high output

Very thin slices of various materials

We now concentrate on slicing a wide variety of materials such as (quartz) glasses, glass ceramics, crystals, silicon, (non-)oxide ceramics, alloys, composite materials as well as natural stones as a slicing service on behalf of customers.

These materials are cut into highly precise micrometre-scaled slices with minimal kerf loss.

Our customers benefit from our innovative technology and solutions, based on a broad material experience.

Satisfied customers are our claim.

We guarantee responsible and quality-conscious handling of your material and your product across all processes from handling, cutting, cleaning, measuring – for products of the most diverse formats and quality requirements. Your material and your product are in good hands with us, we evaluate quality on a micrometer scale!

The ultimate goal of our work is the satisfaction of our customers and their lasting confidence in the reliability and performance of PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH. To achieve this goal, we have been working since 2010 on the basis of a quality management system certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. It applies to all necessary processes for service and product generation, including their energy efficiency.

Joint research

We are convinced that joint research and development drives innovation faster and more successful. 

That is why we are interested in partnerships with other companies, research institutes, start-ups, research networks and universities worldwide.

Our research and development is partly supported by joint research projects within the funding of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.  Close cooperation with our customers, research institutes and partner companies within these frameworks leads to further continuous development of our processes and to synergy effects for all parties involved.

The basis for sustainable business development is the expertise and customer-oriented work of our employees.

With our flat corporate structure we go on short decision-making paths.

For PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH, as an independent company, continuity and reliability, quality awareness and constant innovation for our customers are the compass of our work.


As a contract service provider, we offer the cutting of hard and brittle materials and the production of silicon substrates for the photovoltaic industry at the Erfurt, Germany. We use the multi-wire sawing technology that has been developed over two decades and is the most efficient slicing technology so far.

Innovation focused on efficiency

Innovation in terms of technology, quality, efficiency, services and products, traditional values such as reliability, sustainability, fairness and responsibility are integral parts of our actions.

The main focus is the success of our customers and ours.

Our customers are our partners. We continuously determine their requirements and align our strategy in close, trusting cooperation with them as partners. This ensures that we will continue to be a reliable partner when it comes to effective and highly qualified cutting of hard and brittle materials.


To ensure a consistently high quality of our services and products, PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH uses its certified management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

The Integrated Management System applies to all necessary processes for service and product realisation, including energy efficiency.

The continuous compliance with all quality parameters and their control in all stages of service provision and production is the prerequisite for a permanently stable quality of our products made from your high-quality materials.

The complete documentation of quality parameters begins with the selection of technical equipment and its technological parameters, continues with the consumables used in the sawing and cleaning processes and ends with the outgoing goods inspection and shipping.

Zertifikat_PV Crystalox_9k_EN

QUALITY Made in Germany!

We ensure complete traceability of the end product to your starting material.

Process optimisation and development of special technical equipment (operating resources) are directly oriented towards the quality assurance and enhancement of our products and services.

We ensure process controlling and management of all activities and resources  through a process-oriented approach.

We secure and expand the knowledge in our organisation through a demand-oriented training of our employees. Providing all necessary resources and information enables customer-specific requirements for services and products to realise highest customer satisfaction and consistently high quality.

Nominierung Energieeffizienzpreis 2015


As a long-term oriented company, the sustainable orientation of all our business activities and the protection of our environment are very important and a matter of course.

With sustainability to success

We want to be successful in the long term. Therefore, we responsibly deal with resources – especially your materials and our raw materials and consumables – as well as our employees.

Sustainable and future-oriented action determines the business processes of the PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH.

We take the ecological, economic and social effects of our actions into account in order to have a lasting environment in which we ourselves can be successful in the long term.

Our activities therefore aim to develop solutions today for the future needs and requirements of people, society and markets – and to ensure the future generation´s benefit.

Environmental protection, saving resources and energy and waste avoidance are firmly anchored in the corporate philosophy at the PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH. We are therefore continuously working to further develop all business processes with regard to sustainability, energy efficiency and environmental protection.

In view of the increasingly intense competition for raw materials worldwide, material efficiency is becoming an increasingly important component of stable business operations.

High output rates

With our efficient and material-saving sawing technology, we offer our customers the possibility to improve the ecological footprint of their products.

Compared to standard cutting processes, we realise significantly higher output quantities from your high-quality materials.

With a long-term business partner, we recycle 85 % of the components of our sawing slurry while maintaining the same quality.

This multi-wire sawing technology makes us a strategic partner for growth and ecologically oriented companies.

Our energy management system is successfully certified annually in accordance with the Peak Efficiency System Ordinance (SpaEfV).

Sustainable management and sustainable action are used at all the company´s levels.

Slicing Service Sägeservice Material sägen slicing is more efficient than grinding

Sustainable business!

PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH is a participant in the Sustainability Agreement Thuringia, a voluntary agreement between the Thuringian state government and the Thuringian economy under the patronage of the Thuringian State Premier. It joins politics, administration and business, particularly on the topics of climate and environmental protection, resource conservation, energy efficiency and social sustainability.

Sustainably operating companies from Thuringia are networking within this framework of the agreement. They are united by the common basic understanding of sustainable development, which is supported by the careful and responsible use of natural resources and which is oriented toward responsibility toward future generations.

Conserve natural resources!

PV Crystalox Solar Silicon GmbH has been certified as an “ÖKOPROFIT Betrieb Erfurt” since 2002.

The ECOPROFIT project for integrated environmental technology is a joint project between the city of Erfurt and local businesses with the aim of reducing operating costs while conserving natural resources. Participating businesses are manufacturing companies, service providers and social institutions as well as craftsmen.

ÖKOPROFIT aims to create a local network for environmental protection.

Sustainable success is based on a variety of indicators, from the qualification of our employees, active safety management, economic and ecological efficiency, energy efficiency as well as product and process quality to the observance of ethical and social aspects.

To ensure the continued success of our sustainable actions, we are working systematically to optimise our environmental performance.
